Oh wow, I’m still alive? Damn.

Hi! It’s me! Surprisingly not dead! And surprisingly still remembering this blog exists!

I’ve mostly been working on getting my computer up and running again… I’ve been tinkering, to say the least! Everything works EXCEPT web browsers, for some fucking reason… Anyhoo, for the time being I’m actually having to use my phone to post! Not much of an inconvenience, but at least I’m able to post here without much issue!

I mostly just wanted to check in and confirm I’m still among the living, but I’m also wondering if y’all have any particular time you guys wanna get together and work on… well, whatever we’re doing with our characters? I’m game for essentially whenever! Just let me know and I’ll be around for it!

Anyway, that’s basically it! Hopefully it won’t take eons for me to make another post here… I’m pretty sure the link to the discord is set to never expire, but just in case here’s another link! And with that, I’m out.

Random Bits and Bobs

Oh hey! I still exist? Dope!

This post isn’t really meant to do much of anything except tell you guys that I did in fact set up that Discord server I was tentatively considering to make! You can find that here. 

Anyway, that’s pretty much it! I hope to see you guys there!


And so the eternal struggle began…

Hey! It’s me! Actually making a second post and not just disappearing into the abyss like the past four times I’ve blown into this blog! The apocalypse is near! Buy gold!

Boy, allow me to say that you do not know the true meaning of the word “cringe” until you have to reread all of your old roleplaying notes, in an effort to try and revamp your character. I’ve got that type of cringe where my body is blinking in and out of existence. I wholeheartedly blame myself. After all, ’twas beauty that killed the beast.

I’m mostly just posting this as a way to try and convince myself that this isn’t just a one and done thing. I genuinely want to stay a while, help you guys try to renovate the blog. This is a huge part of my past that I essentially forgot about, and I’d like to recover that with those of you that are left here at my side.

So, uh… how’s my life been? I see a lot of you guys doing re-introductions, and I do indeed believe it’s my turn to finally throw my hat into that ring. So, ever since I stopped regularly posting here, a lot of stuff has happened! A lot of shakeups, a lot of development, character and otherwise… oh yeah, and I’m genderqueer now. The Vampire Lord has become more of a Vampire Lady. I couldn’t think of a way to lead into that, so it’s in my best interest to just rip that Band Aid off right away. Hope you guys had some Neosporin ready for that, sorry… but I’m still the same thing! Just in a different casing! Like an iPhone 11, without the obnoxiously large quantity of cameras.

But, you know what they say, the more things change, the more things stay the same. I blew back into town, huffing and puffing, dragging my substantial mental breakdown scorechart behind me in the wind… and I think this cowpoke might just stick around. If you guys need help renovating some parts of the blog, I could probably help there! I’ve essentially been reading over every word I can get my hands on planning for the future see me now as I stand on , really just soaking in the nostalgia that all of that 2010 content brings with it. I’ve even been trying to get into contact with some of the old crew! Ana, mostly; she and I used to be rather close as kids and I’d really like to get back into touch. But other than that, my life is more or less the same, shockingly. I’m still the B grade shitposter that thinks she’s way funnier than she actually is. But I’m happy to see that some of you have kept this blog alive! I am very, very proud of your resilience; and I’m sure if the rest of the authors could see us now, they’d feel just as proud.


So, gamers… are we doing this?

I swear I have you guys bookmarked in some place I can’t reach. Maybe it’s that. Maybe it’s me being lazy. Or maybe.. maybe it’s the universe guiding me home.

I’m gonna level with you here. Deep down, I miss what we used to do. I miss having this sort of fantasy world that we built together. But most importantly, even if I won’t acknowledge it myself, I miss all of you. You’ve left a hole in my heart that’s never quite been filled. So.. if you guys are serious about wanting to do a Battle of the Beings school days spinoff.. you can count VL and I in. Just tell me what I’d need to do and I’ll join you all at the front lines. We could.. probably set up a Discord server for this? I’m not sure, but it would help to kind of organize planning and all. Have a place where we can have our concrete thoughts gathered, instead of scattered across a blog like stars in the night. Of course, the blog would (hopefully) never be replaced by it, but it would be nice. Just to have some place to catch up. Have a place to return to Mir.

…I’d like that.


A wild Blake appeared!

Hey guys? Remember me? You know, Blake, the chubby, socially awkward 10-year-old? Well, it’s been about 5 years now, and while I am still both of those things, I have matured a lot. And I figured, since everyone else seems to be revisiting the glory days of the good ol’ Thunder Kids (I’m calling us that now. Thanks, Nireth.), I would join the flock.

I really want to get back to the way things were, guys! For example, I really wanted to at the very least do a small revival story for BoTB, possibly revealing what’s gone on in Mir since we last journeyed there? I even wrote a small plotline which details what to expect, given I get the rights to use some other characters beside my own in the story:

Five years after Mir was last seen by human eye, the magic that holds the world together has begun to drain. Evil begins to take over the realm that the Beings call home. It is up to the small band of Beings that are left to go beyond the boundaries of Mir, and into the realm beyond to find a way to save Mir, and the realm it stands in, once and for all.

Right now, I can really count on VL being in the story (if I ever get up and bring it to reality), since I did create him and all, but if you’re fine with me using your Beings in the story at all, just let me know!

(Hmm, I wonder if using ML and ST’s characters would technically be plagiarism..)

Doctor Who Fans, UNITE!

Recently, I’ve become a fan of Doctor Who. (Thanks a lot, Rainfall. I watched an episode because of you and now I’m addicted.) Anyway, on to some (rather depressing) news.

For starters, after the 50th anniversary episode, Matt Smith will be leaving the show, to be replaced by the 12th Doctor. But the question on everyone’s mind is:

“Who’s Next?”

I personally have seen names popping up everywhere: from Prince Harry to Harry Styles, from Daniel Radcliffe to me, and basically any other British person who’s name you’ve learned. Anyway, I believe it would be nice to explore more around the 8.5th Doctor (Look him up, he’s real..), or the “Non-Doctor” if you will. Give that around a season to let the usual series take a breather, leave off the regeneration into the 12th Doctor as a cliffhanger, and then introduce the 12th Doctor whenever Series 9 comes.  I honestly think that’s the path, but if they want to do something good with this 50th anniversary show, I suggest they take one of the following paths:

1. Turn the Doctor into a bloody WOMAN already.

2. Have David Tennant return. David Tennant is hot. *NO HOMO.*

3. Have all the Doctors come back for some wibbly wobbly timey wimey sequence with flashbacks during the regeneration process of past regenerations.


So, in short, that’s it, pretty much. Blake out. Peace.

[UPDATED] Disney, Can You Throw Me a Snowflake?

[UPDATE: June 26, 2013 at 7:40 P.M.

Hey guys, Blake here! I’ve been reading the blog that I’ve posted below a LOT lately, and I’m happy to announce that the first trailer and poster for Frozen have been released! You may view them at the link(s) below, but for now, please fangirl with me. :3

First off, in a collab with the Weather Channel (Well played, Disney), they’ve released a fun litle 90-second teaser featuring the two comic relief characters in the movie, Olaf the snowman, and Sven the reindeer.

Next, we’ve recieved the first poster for Frozen!

That’s all for now! I’ll release more marketing attempts on this post as soon as they’re released. Blake out, peace.]

I was rummaging through my computer files one day, when I discovered a few saved images of a new Disney movie, Frozen. Now, it’s supposed to be an adaption of the Snow Queen, starring Anna (played by Kristen Bell) and Elsa, (to ST’s pleasure, played by Idina Menzel, the original Elphaba from Wicked), who will be crowned as official Disney princesses after the movie is released. But the problem is;


The movie comes out in LESS than seven months, and all we have is a logo and one single piece of concept art. We also have a few cutouts scattered around Disney Animation Studios, and a few fake movie posters, which can be seen at the following link:


They feature the real designs of the two lead characters, as well as an official looking teaser poster for the film. Now, this actually looks like a REALLY good movie, so at least we can hope for a few more themes of marketing before the film comes out.

Blake out. Peace.


Okay, so it appears I was writing a second novel just around the time of my NaNoWriMo novel’s origins. I plan to merge the two to give me a little boost in word count. Is that cheating in some way?

Harry Potter Birthday Song

(Sorry, I had to post this due to a dare by my friend LOL)

Happy Hogwarts Birthday,Magic Wizard Birthday, Fun Wizard Happy Birthday Fun Fun Fun Fun, Magic Flavor Birthday Cake, wizard wishes you will make, happy birthday dance with everyone, 2, 3, 4!

(In my thoughts right now, I am thinking, “AAH IT BURNS!”)

Birthday Magic Wand!

Magic Birthday School!

Gryffindor (Party More!)

Hufflepuff (Wizard Stuff!)

Ravenclaw (Heck naw!)

Pretty sure that’s everybody. (Yes, I know I forgot Slytherin. Look, just so you don’t keep correcting me: Slytherin (For the win!)  There, now we have everyone.)

Happy Hogwarts Birthday, wizard school party, children eating cake inside their mouths! Hogwarts lesson number one, never not be having fun! Children eating cake inside their mouths!


Everyone else on the Blog: *starts giving me weird looks*


Now that the song is over, I can stop talking in parentheses! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! Please don’t make fun of me for this LOL


(Kill me now.)


VL’s Backstory,Chapter Four

(AUTHOR’S NOTE: Here it is,Part Four. LOL,I haven’t been posting these for such a long period of time,I seriously FORGOT what year I left off at. So here I am,scanning through the posts,looking for Part Thre- Okay,so we left off at 1780. Anyway,enjoy!  ~SN)

LOCATION: India,1781

Tiberius had fallen back into some uncomfortable sleep after the dream. Inside his mind,an image was playing out.


Tiberius had almost thought they would make it.

He had managed to rouse his mother and siblings from their sleep and herd them from the house,telling them that Father had ordered them not to wait for him. Tiberius’ tone was so insistent,so urgent,that not even his mother hesitated.

They followed Tiberius to the cove,stumbling in the dark,clutching their bags of secrets and whatever other bags they could easily carry.

Halfway to the boats,they heard the explosion.

“FATHER!” Katherine screamed,running back toward the house,but Tiberius grabbed her arms. “STOP IT! You can’t help him!” But Mother was already running. Thomas-the stupid oaf-shoved Tiberius aside,and he and Katherine raced after her. Only ten-year-old Jane stood still,staring at the distant flames as if she was wondering who had painted them. She turned to Tiberius. “Tiberius? W-where is Papa?”  At that moment,Tiberius felt ten years old himself. He wanted to scream in rage in frustration.But he had no choice. He had to be the adult now. “It will be alright.” He had said,taking Jane’s hand in his. “I’ll protect you. But come. We must first help the others.” Together,the two followed everyone to the house.

The fire was too intense for them to get close. Upon awakening after being hit repeatedly by debris (AUTHOR’S NOTE: LOL,see what I did there?),everyone had left,and were arguing about who had started the fire. All Tiberius could hear was Luke saying,”Vesper was here,Katherine. THIS IS HIS DOING!”  Before passing out from his injuries, Tiberius noticed three words written out in ash. “DAMIEN IS ALIVE”

(AUTHOR’S NOTE: Okay,we’re going back to reality now…)

Tiberius awoke in another cold sweat,but when he came to his senses,he realized he wasn’t in India anymore. A voice sounded over an enhanced sound  system. “Hello,young Tiberius. Welcome…. To the Vesper killing chamber.”

VL’s Backstory,Part Three

LOCATION: Switzerland Cargo Liner 43621,1777


Everything changed that day,but it wasn’t the end…



Tiberius decided to just let go. He wasn’t getting out,no matter how hard he tried. The water seeped in. Tiberius walked over to a box,and sat down. He pulled a photo from his pocket: the only thing he had saved from the fire three years ago. He wanted his last sight to be Katherine…




LOCATION: Bottom of the Indian Ocean,1779



Tiberius awoke. Somehow,he was breathing underwater. He looked around. The cargo ship sunk like a rock to the bottom of the ocean. Pieces of the cargo hold and debris from the many pieces of cargo surrounded him. A voice rang out. “You have the power to stop them.” Tiberius turned around. There was no one there,but there was definitely a voice. Either that,or Tiberius had gone insane. He followed the sound of the voice to a cavern,where he was hit by some sort of projectile. He resurfaced,in pain. He walked onto the shore and checked the date on the nearest calendar: the new invention of the world. December 10th,1779. He had been in a sleep-like state for over two years now.

Tiberius noted the voice,and went on his way.



LOCATION: Some sort of ‘hotel’ (Author’s Note: Tiberius is new to these things. IT’S THE 1780’S FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. XD),1780.


Tiberius was tossing and turning in the bed: Apparently having a nightmare. In his dream,the year was 1776. A young Tiberius raced through the burning house,looking for something…or someone. He screamed a name out loud: “KATHERINE!” He looked through the smoke and ash,and saw the faint image of a person. A few flaming pieces of wood blocked his way. The last thing Tiberius had heard before he jolted awake was,”TIBERIUS! REMEMBER TO NEVER TALK TO THE SHADOWS!”



The dream stunned me. What could she have meant?

VL’s Backstory,Chapter Two

LOCATION: Tchaiy Woods,1776


Little did I know,I had much worse things ahead of me…



Tiberius was beginning to go insane. He had been living in the woods for two years,and he was running low on food and water…He had no hope of survival. He had gone for several days without even catching prey,and he had twisted his ankle while attempting to pounce on a small doe. He was cold,hungry… The world began to spin,and everything went black.




LOCATION: Unknown Cottage in Ireland,1776.


 When Tiberius awoke,he was lying in a small bed in the corner of a cottage.He had no idea where he was,and he was pale as snow.”Where am I?” Tiberius managed to get out before his mouth was clasped by a hand.”Shh,no talking!” a voice said. Tiberius tried to struggle,but one whiff of the chloroform brought oblivion.



LOCATION: Switzerland Cargo Ship,Liner 34621,Indian Ocean,1777


Tiberius awoke on a cold,metal floor. After several hours,he managed to put two and two together and figure out that he was in a cargo hold,in some sort of ocean.It was apparent that he wouldn’t be getting out any time soon. His arm felt a little sore. He guessed they had given him a few more shots of tranquilizer to keep him quiet for a while. He silently waited,until a screw loosened,and water came flooding into the cargo hold. Tiberius ran to the door,and tried to unlock it,but with no prevail. The water was coming in…faster and faster by the minute. He finally decided to give up and just let go.



Everything changed that day,but it wasn’t the end…

VL’s Backstory: Chapter One

LOCATION: Ireland,1774


I could never go back…Not after…the incident.



That thought raced through young Tiberius Cahill’s head as he fled from Ireland. The year was 1774.After trying to find a cure for the horrid Black Plague,he had blown up his family’s house,and his father had perished in the fire.Plus,he had gained a vampiric form from the explosion. He had to hide…But his only question was where? The nearby Tchaiy Woods seemed like a good place. After racing through the mind-numbing cold for several hours,he finally came across another lifeform-a shadow person. Tiberius readied himself to pounce on the creature,desperate for food. He then decided it was only a child,so he relaxed his muscles and walked up to the creature. The creature turned around,frightened. “My name is Corusce.” Corusce looked like he had been in an explosion of some sort. The two sat on the stump. They talked for a while,and found that they both had tried to capture prey in the woods,but with no luck.After a while,Tiberius took a doll from his pocket. “My mother made this for me,but I want you to have it.” “T-thawnks…” said Corusce. Tiberius said,”So,what happened to you? Why are you covered in ash?” Corusce paused. “U-um…W-well…” Tiberius realized he had created some bad memories for Corusce,and changed the subject. “Don’t wanna talk about it?” Corusce said,”My mama fell asleep for a long time! This other lady kept tellin’ me she was something like…ummm…Dead! Yeah… I dunno. I’m only out here cause that other lady told me to. What’s this supposed to be?” Tiberius replied,” I don’t know.. My mother was really bad at sewing.” Corusce thought and decided. “It’s one of those humans’ teddy bears! Say,what’s your name?” Tiberius replied,”My full name is Tiberius V. Cahill.” Corus replied. “Well,I think I’m gonna call this bear Tibbers,’cause you’re Tiberius and you gave me the bear!” Corusce pranced around singing. Tiberius grimaced. Corusce said,”What’s wrong?” Tiberius replied,”I’d rather not talk about it… I may or may not have started a fire that my father may have perished in. He died trying to save his work.” Corusce’s ears drooped. “I’m sorry to hear about that.” Tiberius said,”That’s fine. It can’t be much worse than yours…”


Little did I know,I had much worse things ahead of me…

The Episodes they Never Wanted You to See

Cartoon Network has banned several episodes of their older shows,some you may never see but here. Now,I shall release all of these banned episodes to the public once and for ALL!



Banned Episode #1: Cow and Chicken: Buffalo Gals


If you don’t know why this was banned,look it up. I can’t say it on here: too inappropriate….




Banned Episode #2: The Powerpuff Girls: See Me,Feel Me,Gnomey!

This episode was banned due to communism vs capitalism references,and flashy backgrounds. If you have a history of seizures,I suggets you skip the last minute of the first part and the first few seconds of the second part.

http://whttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5g6kkNZvlY&feature=related  -Part 1


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5g6kkNZvlY&feature=related – Part 2



Banned Episode #3: Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi: Tsunami Ami Yumi

This episode was  meant to be aired a few days after the tsunami in Japan. All references to the tsunami were removed and replaced with ‘wave.’ The episode was never shown in North America.



That’s it for now: These are the episodes Cartoon Network never wanted you to see…



VL Tries to Host a Talk Show

Announcer: You’re watching Finland 6,Finland’s top cable network. And now it’s time for  “VL!”

*talk show music plays*

Hi,I’m VL,and welcome to VL. Our guest today is a pop star known commonly around the USA. Please welcome,Katy Perry!

*audience claps*

Katy Perry: Hello,VL!

VL: So Katy,tell us about your favorite music video!

Katy: Well,there’s this one called Last Friday Night,and that was inspired by my love of 80’s movies.

VL: Ooh,we have a clip!

*clip of Last Friday Night plays*

VL: That was it,no?

Katy: Yes,that was it….

VL: Well,tell us about your personal life!

Katy: Well,I’m married to Russell Brand..

VL: We have a clip!

*clip of Russell Brand in Get Him to the Greek plays*

VL: So,how was your trip to Finland?

Katy: Not so good… I lost my luggage at the airport…

VL: We have a clip!

*in clip,Katy talks to someone about her luggage*

Katy: How did you get that tape?

VL: We have an excellent research team!

Katy: I’m not gonna say anything anymore..

VL: Why?

Katy: It’s just when I came on your show-

VL: We have a clip!

*clip from the start of the show plays*

Katy: Umm,I..

VL: We have a clip!

*clip of an eye plays*

Katy: Wow… I’ve been on annoying talk shows before,but you.. You’re like a robot! What happens after the show,you go back to your cold,dark apartment and drink tea while your cats watch?

VL: *sadly* We have a clip..

*clip of VL in a dark apartment with a bunch of cats plays*

Katy: Oh,I’m sorry: It’s just I’ve been on tour,I’m exhausted,and I shouldn’t have snapped like that…

VL: You snapped,we have a clip!

*clip of Katy snapping her fingers at a concert plays*

VL: Well,that’s it for VL. See you next week!


Celebrity Jeopardy

*Jeopardy music plays*

VL: Welcome back to Celebrity Jeopardy.Once again,I’d like to recommend that our viewers watch something else.Let’s meet our celebrity contestants. Sean Connery is in the lead with zero dollars. Adam Sandler is in second with -6,000. And Tom Cruise is in last place with an incredible negative  12,000 dollars,having answered a wide number of first round questions more than once.Now it’s time for Double Jeopardy. The categories are: Potent Potables. The Vowels. Presidents who are on the One Dollar Bill.Ponies.The Number Ten,and finally,Foods that end in “amburger.” Sean,let’s begin with you.

Sean: You’ll rue the day you crossed me,Trebek.

VL: Oh,no,Sean. I’m not Alex Trebek… Adam,why don’t you pick instead?

Adam: TIME FOR THE JEOPARDY! I love it,your father loves it,your Aunt Betty watches it every night on the VCR!

VL: FINE! I’ll pick for you.Let’s try t”The Number Ten” for $200. Now,the answer to every question in this category is ‘ten.’ When I’m done talking,just…say…ten.

Announcer: This is how many fingers you  have.

Tom Cruise: *buzzes in* Five.

VL: No. That sound means it’s time for Final Jeopardy *turns to camera and mouths “I’m not looking forward to this”) Let’s see what the category is: Just answer the question,”Where are you right now?”

*ten seconds later*

VL:Okay,let’s see your answers. Tom,you wrote ‘go.’ And you wagered..’For it.’ Go for it. You certainly did. Adam,you wrote,’Abbie.’ and you wagered… ‘Abbie Doobie.’ And Sean,you wrote…INDOORS? Wow,this is incredible! Are we recording this? Let’s see what you wagered. “In a nightclub.” INdoors in a nightclub.Well,that’s it for Celebrity Jeopardy. Once again,I will go see if a jump from Mt. Everest will kill me.

The Muppets-Pictures in My Head

With Disney’s newest movie,”The Muppets” coming out in only two days,you can highly expect clips and songs to be leaked online. Well,I found this one song from the movie titled “Pictures In My Head.” It’s sung by Kermit the Frog,and it’s mainly where he walks down the halls of his mansion looking at pictures of all the Muppets…

The scene begins with Gary (played by Jason Segel),Mary (played by Amy Adams),and Walter (played by Walter) driving around,looking for Kermit’s house. Where could it be? Maybe behind those wrought-iron gates with Kermit’s face ingraved into them?

Their first idea to get into the house is to fold up Walter and tossing him over the fence. Unfortunately,there’s an electric fence up there (Which,as Walter notes,isn’t what you’d expect from Kermit,which obviously means something’s up).

One shocking (Eh,Wocka Wocka! LOL) gag later,and while Walter is asking Gary to try again,Kermit lets them in.

Inside,before the trio can even ASK Kermit what they want,his 80’s robot comes by to serve them drinks- 80’s drinks. (Tab Clear,New Coke,that kinda stuff.)

The trio tell Kermit about the Muppet Theater being in danger (see the trailer for some set-up).Unfortunately,the main problem is that they’ll have to round up the entire Muppet gang,and Kermit doubts their chances of that. Why? Because he’s afraid he’s burned those bridges.

Now,this is where the song comes in. Here are the lyrics to it:

Is there more I could have said?

Now they’re only pictures in my head.

That’s why my green is feeling grey

Sometimes even frogs have rainy days.

[Looking at painting of Electric Mayhem] Remember when the stage caved in when you were rocking out?

[Looking at painting of the Swedish Chef] Who’d have thought your smorgasbord would be hard to live without?

If we could do it all again, just another chance to entertain

Would anybody watch or even care?

Or did something break we cant repair?

[Looking at a picture of Gonzo] Your cannonball trajectory, it always gave me hope.

[Looking at a picture of Fozzie] They may have been unbearable but I still loved your jokes

Is there more I could have said?

Now they’re only pictures in my head.

[There’s a break in the song during which the paintings come to life with the Muppets themselves appearing in the frames. They all have something to say. One nice touch is the dry ice pouring off of the Electric Mayhem’s stage and over the bottom edge of their picture frame]

[Kermit and the Muppets from the pictures singing together] Could we do it all again, make them laugh like we did then?


We could harmonise for one more song,

Now I’m standing here instead.

Now they’re only pictures in my head




And then the scene fades.. Revealing Kermit’s stood on the spot and never stepped away from his guests. We’ve literally been watching pictures in his head. This scene was a very moving moment,and one of the single best things I’ve heard all weekend.Disney’s The Muppets comes out November 23rd.

I know I have no authority to do this,but…

…In case you didn’t see it,here are the winners of the Round 1 battles of the ML Games.


Elaina Vs Tridah:

Winner: Tridah


Rue Vs TN:

Winner: Rue (Or ‘magical cat’ as ML calls her. xDDD)


Radiance Vs VL:

Winner: Who do you THINK won? O.o


Pheonix Vs Someone: Winner Undecided


Fast Singer Vs. Fern Koa:

Winner: Fern Koa



Congratulations to all who have moved on into Round 2. I believe the next two matchups will be:




Fern Koa vs. Radiance (Again..DUN DUN DUNNNNNN)


NOTICE FOR ML: I do believe we’ll need to give one of the losers another chance,since we have an odd number of battles.