My Angel of Music!

Oh. My. Zeus.

Listening to Music of the Night hypnotized me! I can finally understand Christine… I never really “got” why she would get all mesmerized in that song, but oh, when I listen to it… ❤

I was seriously staring at my screen, not moving, with my mouth wide open the whole time. When it ended, I realized that that song is very powerful. I shook my head, to clear it, and tried not to listen to it anymore. But of course I did. That. Song. *glare*

Seriously, all the Phantom has to do is open his mouth, and I my senses will most definitely “abandon their defenses”.



Well, you guys probably don’t want to hear a thirteen year old girl rant, but I’m going to do it anyway.


If you guessed me, then you’re…


I most definitely did not get an iPad 2, or an iPad, or and iPad 3. But I DID get a Nook Simple Touch! Squeal! I likey it a lot. And I already have three screensavers for it.



Okay, so this one is a typical one… It was the lock screen on my iPod for the longest of time. Minus the “isabelle amaya’s nook” of course.



Well… Probably none of you here will get it… It’s really… Yeah. Don’t judge me, I happen to be a super Phan, okay?



Credit to Carolina Persson, who’s simply amazing! And, once again, probably no one here will get it. I promise I’ll explain it, because I have started my challenge, and I’ve also started POTO in written form, and heck, I already started to write Love Never Dies from all the points of views of the characters. Yeah, just ignore me if you don’t care.


2 thoughts on “My Angel of Music!

  1. Looks like you’re enjoying your nook! I have an iPad, and may upgrade sooner or later.

    I have the aftermath is secondary on that screen.. Louis Tomilson on my phone, and some cool thingy for my iPod. 😀

  2. Music is really one of the most magical things in life! ^^

    I’m sorry about no iPad, but a nook is super neat too! I love your screensavers, they’re quite simple but entertaining! ^^

    That’s a very pretty picture at the end! I wish I had skills!

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