My cartoon me and Vampire Me!

I hope it’s ok I’m making another post, but I wanted to show cartoon me!

I saw the picture from before, and it didn't fit. This one does.
I saw the picture from before, and it didn't fit. This one does.

2454628 This is vampire me!

EDIT: I have now made a pic of me for when I’m in, like, High School and go to prom. I figured by then I would have grown my hair and gotten contacts:


2nd Edit: I made a ghost me!

Ghost Me

Well, I made it a kid because I didn’t want to make an old lady.

68 thoughts on “My cartoon me and Vampire Me!

  1. Can you make me and send it to me?
    All you need to know is that I have:
    Brown Cury hair, shoulder length.
    Hazel eyes.
    Red glasses.
    That’s all.

              1. Wha– no, that couldn’t have been me.
                Oh wait! No, I said, “Hang on, peeps. i forgot my freakles!”.

      1. can you make one for me and send it to me too? i have:

        light green eyes
        dark long wavy brown hair
        light tannish skin.

              1. When I get on my moniter.

                Right now, Ron’s home with his new school suplies, ad he’s on the moniter. I’m on the mini laptop.

    1. So no one cares about the improved picture of Cartoon me? I guess either no ones here, or they hate it and don’t want to hurt my feelings, or they just don’t care.

        1. Thanks! Finally! I knew someone was here because of the WhosAmungUs widget. I guess peeps were just ignoring me.

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