64 thoughts on “Ghost Bride

  1. GHOST? Cool.
    I believe in ghosts.
    My ghost hunting bussiness is MPS, Massachussettes Paranormal Society.

        1. yeah, we named her Sally. I heard her crying one night, and i asked my friend who was on the bunk below me, “Do you hear someone crying?”
          And she said, “No,” but she was strumming her guitar, so I figured that she wasn’t able to hear it.
          It sounded kind of like my other friend, so i thought maybe she was homesick. The next day, i asked her about it, and she said she hadn’t been crying! O_o
          i asked all the girls in my cabin, and none of them had been crying! And apparently two other girls had heard the mystery moper!
          So that’s our ghost story. It was really creepy O_o

          1. I named the ghost in the girl’s bathroom Hellen, and she followed me home this summer. 😐
            Now she’ll be at my new school… great.

                1. most ghosts are benign, so they aren’t there to hurt you, but they’re not going to do your math homework for you. They’re just there because they’re stuck in a loop in time or they have something they need to do.

                  1. Ghosts can be understanding and reliable. They always tell the truth, mostly because they’ve got nothing to lose.

                    I love being sensitive…

        1. lol. at the ice cream parlor near my house, this girl Kendall and i used to fear the boy’s bathroom because we thought there was a ghost 😆
          it turns out, the AC was just really messed up 😛

        1. how are they real? My family doesn’t believe in ghosts. The only ghosts i know is the angels and God.

          1. I’m Jewish, so I don’t believe in those sorta ghosts…
            I TRIED to show you a video on youtube, but you refused to watch it. 🙄
            No arguing, please.

            1. ok ok i just wanted you to know i don’t believe in them. About the video i really don’t want to tell you why i didn’t watch it…

              1. But it kinda sucks about my religion, because two kids in my class are russian. Russians do HORRIBLE things to Jewish people.

                  1. Sorry, but one of them already made my life missrible. He ran away from me in class, made nasty rumors about me, and even pushed me a few times!!

              2. maybe you aren’t afraid of the ghost itself, maybe you’re afraid of believing. That’s how it was with me at first. i didn’t want to have anything to do with ghosts because i was afraid of what knowing they existed would do to my life.

          2. We have a family ghost. My mom and brother don’t believe in it, but my grandmother and I do. I think that once my grandmother dies, he/she is going to come haunt me because i’ve actually had an encounter with it (i think it’s a she).
            We actually have had two ghosts in the past. We used to have a ghost named Oscar living in my grandparent’s house. They thought he was my great great grandfather, but he dissapeared after my great grandmother died and my grandparents moved.

            1. My Great Uncle haunts my Great Aunt’s home. When my cousin and I were playing on our DSes, we looked up and we saw that a peice of popcorn had moved from the bowl, and it went in midair for a moment!!!

              1. woah! neat! 😀 i’ve never seen anything like that, but one time at my Grandparent’s old house i saw a woman in a dress sitting next to my bed. it was creepy, but cool

                1. I was four when Uncle Emmy died of only having one kidney. Now, my cousin and I get to see him once in summer, twice in winter, once in spring. I like the winter the best. It gets so cozy there… sigh.

      1. i’ve seen one! i know, they exist. I guess, though, since you don’t believe in them you won’t see them.
        it’s not to be offending, but they have a certain energy that you have to be open-minded to to see them.

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